Monday, January 4, 2016


#Joy #BiggestLoser #Resolution #NewYear #Happy #fun #weightloss #fitness #goals #dreams #neverquit #inspiration #facebook #wordpress #dontgiveup #yes #yesyoucan #share #sharethis #like #google #BobHarper #trainer #fitnesstrainer #health
It's finally here! In fact I'm so happy about it I've been humming a little tune all around the house for weeks now. "I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart..." Joy about what Greek Girl you may be wondering?
The new movie Joy starring cutie patootie Jennifer Lawrence? No, but it was a fantastic movie that I highly recommend! The characters were all very well developed, and it's a super feel good film that gets a big fat thumbs up and five stars from this film critic. 
If not that, what pray tell could be causing all that "joy" I am talking about? Why The Biggest Loser premiere of course! Why on earth am I so excited about a TV show one may wonder? Well hello... it has many of my favorite elements: sneakers (my number one favorite shoe to wear), people doing things they thought they couldn't, inspiration, drama. Sure in my opinion the show will never be the same without Jillian, but it's still incredibly inspiring, and never fails to have me in tears at some point during an episode.
I have been so inspired by some episodes in the past that I have even written lyrics to songs from watching. So for me it's a win-win. 
New year, a new chance to get up to bat and swing for one's goals and dreams in life. We all have them, many start out strong at the beginning of the year and for a multitude of reasons peter out and end up quitting. For me it is magical to watch people who have tried time after time, after time to achieve a goal who have never been able to do it, finally break through and get it done. It's just my happy place. 
Society today has so many tools to be healthy and live longer, yet it seems is getting more and more unhealthy by the second. Your body is a miracle. When you treat it right by feeding it the right things and making fitness a part of everyday (just like brushing your teeth) the results are remarkable. That's why I love the show so much, it demonstrates this principle in such a dramatic way on such a large scale, literally. 
I think everyone has the ability inside them to blast through barriers... it's just a matter of will. Not a matter of "can", but a matter of "if". Excuses can be made for everything, everyone has something. Not everyone has the "physical capability" to be an olympic athlete, this I know very well. Accidents, disabilities, many things can make a person think they "can't" be physically fit. The truth of the matter is though that there is a modification for almost everything. There is some kind of physical activity that everyone can do, and once one changes their mentality from can't to can... the entire world can change. 
So you can be your bottom dollar I'll be parked in front of the TV watching. With a hot cup of happiness a la Dunkin's in my hands (with Truvea instead of sugar of course). Will you? If not my hope is that 2016 is a year for everyone to reach beyond their limits and break though barriers to reach goals and dreams they have buried on the inside. Remember, everything is possible... you just have to believe. Happy 2016!
Blessings, Love & Music!
Ava xo