Monday, November 21, 2016

Get Me to My Safe Space

To celebrate Veterans Day the Mr. (an Air Force Veteran) & I went to see the film Hacksaw Ridge. I was moved and saddened by the stark contrast. In the week or so that has followed I have watched a tragedy unfold across the country that sadly has proved my observations to be correct. 
WARNING: This blog is NOT politically correct. In fact sharing it on Twitter may result in account shut down. Which would also prove my observations to be correct, since Twitter is now in the censorship business. They seem to have no problem allowing child porn, and individuals or groups who post all kinds of hateful barbaric ideology. Yet if one openly posts the truth, or something considered "conservative" in nature... whoa nelly. That simply cannot be tolerated and must be banned.   
A very mixed up generation is coming up. Entitled, angry, arrogant, and hateful. It's OK though because Lady Gaga wrote a song telling them they were "Born this way". A generation who simply cannot handle opposing viewpoints. They demand their way be the only way, and must shut down all opposition.
While those who serve and who have served in our Military make sacrifices for others. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice. They work together with all kinds of people from different backgrounds, religions and walks of life. They unite to achieve a common goal. They learn many valuable lessons in the Military, one so missing in today’s culture, is learning to put others interests ahead of your own.  
The Greatest Generation stopped a mad man from taking over the world. They literally marched to hell and back in the worst of conditions in the worst of times. Now we have a generation of whiney babies demanding safe spaces, canceling college exams, having cry ins, protesting, out marching around destroying other people's property and "killing people" because they "don't like" an election result?
So let me see we bully people because we don't want to be "bullied"? Hmmm, watch the news for a few minutes. I'm not going to even begin to express the things my inside voice is saying because that would definitely get me banned from Twitter. Let me see, in the last ten days or so there have been people who oppose the election results who think it perfectly acceptable to do things such as:
Block an ambulance from passing, resulting in the death of the patient inside.
Standing outside a car full of "Trump Supporters" threatening to set it on fire.
Pulling a man (a supposed Trump supporter) from his car in an intersection in broad daylight. Beating the living daylights out of him while someone films it, loots the car then take off with it, leaving the man in the street beaten and bloody. 
Where are the news media on this? Where are all the MSNBC, CNN, and ultra left wing "journalists" or rather shall I say "personalities" (because we all know that journalism is the farthest thing from what they have been doing for the last decade and longer). Where are they? Why are they not speaking out against this disgusting behavior? I'm willing to bet that if Trump supporters where out there doing these things to "Hillary" or "Bernie" supporters in mass, it would be splashed across every TV news headline, and newspaper in the country.  
This is not acceptable in any way, shape, matter or form, to anyone, anywhere, period. We are all Americans, we ALL bleed RED. Trump is President, get over it, grow up and move on. No one acted this way when Obama was elected, and trust me there are many who did not support him or agree with anything he did. Did any of the people who didn't support him go out and create anarchy having temper tantrums in the streets about it? Didn't think so. Ironic the ones pointing the fingers calling Trump and his supporters hateful are the ones doing the destruction. We have a word for this in the Greek language, "Hypocrisy".
See this is what happens, when we celebrate mediocrity, everyone gets a trophy, everyone is encouraged to do whatever they "feel" like, and there are no consequences for our actions. My mom who is definitely not politically correct and has no filter says "We outta take those trophies they got for doing nothing back, and when they block public access or disturb the peace, we should bring out the fire hoses".  
Seriously though, people really need to take a deep breath. The season for giving thanks is upon us. People should stop and be thankful for the fact that they were born in the freest nation in the history of the world. A nation that even gives them the freedom to act like juvenile delinquents if they want to. They should stop to remember the men and women who serve and who have served to protect the flag that flies to keep them free.
God help us. I pray that people wake up to their idiocy. Go see the movie. It's a refreshing step back in time. A reminder of a few of the things that made America so great. May we once again return to those values and ideals that made us a shining city on a hill.
Blessings, Love & Music,
Ava xo

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