Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Another Go-round

Hello everyone in the blog sphere. Is there anyone even here anymore? Or, has everyone flown the coop to Substack? Call me old school, call me old fashioned, but seriously there is just too much technology, and too many platforms to switch every time the wind blows. 

I have written many a blog about this topic, too much technology, and too much screen time changing society, and not for the better. Of course, that is just my humble Greek opinion. So anyhow, for those reasons and more I’ll just stay here. 

Moving along. Has anyone noticed that it’s that time again? What time, you may be wondering… election season, of course. Having recently transplanted to a quaint little town in the battleground state of Pennsylvania (just on the border of New York and New Jersey) my television set is flooded with political ads 24/7. Which at times, has my inside voice using words that would definitely land me in a stint of Facebook jail should I ever choose to post them there. 

Which leads me to the topic of this blog post. Now, it’s no secret that Greek Girl rolls to the right politically. Actually, for most of my life, I had not been a fan of musicians weighing-in on politics. Personally, I am the kind of person who can get along with anyone, even people who do not agree with me on hot button issues including politics. However, back in 2009 I saw a change coming that terrified me. So I did what all songwriters do, I wrote about it. I wrote a song called “We The People” on a cocktail napkin while I was working my pay the bills job as a cater waiter/bartender in NYC with my Mr. 

Most everyone who has followed my music knows I only have one “political” song and that is it. So why the change in my thought process? Why did I release that song and weigh in on something that could alienate music fans? Well, because it was not about left or right, it was about right and wrong. It was about individual people waking up to what was, and is going on around them, and getting involved in making a change. So many people like to sit around and armchair quarterback what is going on in the world. My one “political” song was written to remind people that the government works for us, and not the other way around. 

That being said, I wrote it, released it, and did some pretty amazing things with it. I have performed it all across the country at various political rallies, met some fantastic people along the way including the legendary Andrew Breitbart while singing it at a rally at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, and even sang it on the Capitol lawn way back in 2010 with the Tea Party Patriots. I was invited to join a political commentary website called Politichicks, and made many like of mind friends in the entertainment industry including my good friend, the very talented commentator/musician Alfonzo Rachel (formerly of PJTV).

After I “came out” I then noticed something weird started to happen… Facebook, Google and Big Tech started to make changes to the algorithm, they started what has now commonly become known as “shadow-banning”. Now, hear me out. I am not complaining, but it happened slowly and started to hit most everyone. That is unless you were hugely famous, or of a particular political persuasion, if you know what I mean. They got so bad that they all but erased my friend Alfonzo from the internet. This is a guy who used to post a YouTube video and within hours it would have hundreds of thousands of views, and millions within weeks. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone, and that is exactly what they did. 

We all saw what they did in the name of “misinformation” during covid, and it has only gotten more partisan as the years have gone by. This phenomenon has in turn, made it quite challenging to promote my music & message. 

Nevertheless, I have stayed on social media despite the big tech shenanigans. I just do what I can and sprinkle my music and message, and hope in some small way that I can be an alternative to the ROT that has become mainstream “entertainment” today. 

So here we are, another election season upon us. We have made several video versions of my song “We The People” and uploaded them to YouTube. Youtube has left a few of them up, but they have also removed several. The most recent one they removed was literally a lyric video with the American Flag backdrop with the lyrics. Mind you there are no explicit lyrics, no cursing, nothing of a sexual nature, nada, nothing. As many who know me, know I tend to dress more like June Cleaver vs. Beyonce. So, it is really mind-blowing to me that YouTube who allows songs like “WAP” and all kinds of other explicit and offensive content to remain there, yet gives my channel a strike, and removes my song because they said “it promoted a dangerous conspiracy theory”. Someone might want to give YouTube the memo that they are a company based in the United States of America. Not sure how anyone could find the American Flag and the words “We The People” (which are in our Constitution) offensive… but then again, what do I know. 

So I uploaded the "offensive Video" to Rumble, and here we are, back to election season. We the People have two choices in this election. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. No person is perfect. We have seen life under both choices, and all Americans should take a good hard look at what life has been like for the last four years, and what is was like before. They can then decide how they want to vote. For me, as the daughter of a legal immigrant (from Greece), the choice could not be clearer. This is literally the most important election of my lifetime. I feel compelled to get my song out to try to inspire people and make a difference. 

So, despite the minions at Big Tech working overtime to bury my content, the Mr. & I have decided to go around them. We are launching a radio promotion for the song. Hoping to take it directly to the people, and hopefully, God willing, get the song out to the masses. Of course, I have to get it by the program directors. Hopefully they will like it, and play it. 

How can you help? Well, you can download the song wherever you like to download music: iTunes, amazon, etc., add it to your Spotify, subscribe to my Rumble channel, share the video, and you can call you local radio station and ask them to play “We The People” by Ava Aston. It would sure mean a lot to me. I am very appreciative of the time it took to read this blog. I know the world is busier than ever and everyone has a lot going on in their lives. Taking the time to listen to the song and share it can hopefully help to waken the masses to this do or die decision that is upon us all. Thank you again so much! 

Love, Music & Blessings -
Ava xo 

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