Monday, August 19, 2013

Business and Pleasure

Put on the glasses and bam we look like we're "working" ;D
Put on the glasses and bam we look like we're "working" ;D
Yeah we all know the term and sometimes actually try to make sense of the actual act of mixing business with pleasure.  Unfortunately most of the time when we say that it means we are going away on a trip or doing something that is work related and try to have fun at the same time.  Or on the other hand we go away on a trip or do something that is meant to be fun and somehow we will attempt to build in some form of work/business activity into the fun-filled event we were supposedly set out to do.
The problem most people have with this, me included, is that we tend to over do one and not the other.  We try to squeeze that little bit of business into our pleasure and vice versa and never really truly get a solid balance.  It's like that Nik Wallenda guy trying to have fun while walking across the tight rope over the Grand Canyon.  Sure it starts out as entertainment which is supposed to be fun, but it's insanely frightening.  Meanwhile he is "working" his but off to not fall off that wire.  Ironically he has those moments where he catches a glimpse of the beautiful, yet otherwise frightening world below him and somehow finds pleasure in it.  Which if anyone knows anything about this Greek Girl, me and heights don't mix so I can't see how any of that could be pleasurable.
So this week I've been mixing business with pleasure as best I can.  I was given an opportunity to head out west and spend some time on the "left-coast" (as the too cool for school hipsters like to now call it - Los Angeles).  This trip however has some strings attached, like business but of course with pleasure mixed in.  What am I talking about?  Well, I came out here to hang out with some of my friends and fellow "Politichicks" gals along with some entertainment industry folks for a few major networking events.  During all this time my focus is on how to make the most of the time I have and have it benefit my career without being too focused that I am not able to have a good time.  The good news is, since I love what I do and do what I love sometimes those lines get blurred.  So when I am doing the work side of things it ends up being pleasurable.
Heres a few examples of what I am talking about:
1.  I am able to wear flip-flops almost everywhere, except a dress one night for a "bash" of sorts.
2.  I am staying with a friend, who also happens to be the editor in Chief for the Politichicks. Slumber-Party!
3.  I went to a networking event at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley.
4.  I will be traveling to San Diego, (3 hrs away) to be on a TV show and do an in-studio interview.
5. Did I mention I had my picture taken with the Gipper? ;D
Do you see what I am talking about?  It's a mix of business and pleasure all balled up in one.  So sometimes it's hard to differentiate between the two.  I guess in a way it's a wonderful problem to have. It just means I am doing what I love and loving what I do.  I just hope the same goes for you and if not, I pray you can find a way to bring some balance into your own life.
Blessings, Love & Music,
Ava xo

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