Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do You Like Skins?

Potato Skins = Mr. Bricks' favorite appetizer
Recently my manager Mr. Bricks convinced me to meet him in Times Square at the TGI Friday's for what he called a "meeting." As it turns out it was just another excuse for Mr. Bricks to get me to buy him lunch. And since Mr. Bricks travels between Los Angeles and New York a great deal I usually try to let him pick the places he wants to meet for lunch when he is in the city.
I am not a fan of Times Square nor a fan of TGI Friday's - but at least TGIF is a type of restaurant that if you want to eat healthy like I always do, you can usually find something on the menu that doesn't have massive amounts of sodium. I had the Santa Fe Chicken Salad and water with lemon.
Mr. Bricks had the Barbecue Jack Chicken, french fries, a house salad and a mudslide for his meal. (I think I actually heard his arteries hardening as he was ordering) But for an appetizer Mr. Bricks also ordered the Potato Skins - fully loaded. It turns out that, that was what our entire meeting was all about. Potato Skins. Hang on. Follow the Greek Blonde girl on this one.
When Mr. Bricks ordered the Potato Skins he had a huge smile on his face. His lazy eye was relatively steady. Something was definitely up. So I asked.
Me: "What's up Mr. Bricks?"
Mr. Bricks: "Aren't you proud of me?"
Me: "For What?"
Mr. Bricks: "I ordered Potato Skins"
Me: "and???" (using my arms gesturing WTH in my best Greek sign language move)
Mr. Bricks: "We'll isn't that one of your so-called super foods?"
Me: " Not exactly"
I never should have said that because that woke up the lazy eye.
In my best Jillian Michaels' voice I tried to explain to Mr. Bricks that when you take the so-called super food of a nice Idaho Potato and then scoop out the guts and deep-fry it until it is a crispy brownish golden color you kinda lose the "super" from the phrase "super food".  Furthermore, when you then take the deep-fried potato carcass and fill it to the rim with thick cut maple flavored smoked bacon and add more melty cheddar cheese than you would put on a family sized pizza you are now bordering on a federal crime.
Personally, if I knew who ever invented the potato skin-cheddar cheese-bacon bits-sour cream concoction as an appetizer I  think I would bop them upside their noggin. What were they thinking?
Anyway, back to the corner table upstairs at TGI Friday's overlooking Times Square I spent the next 2 hours explaining the entire super food concept to Mr. Bricks over and over. I think I lost him at the first mention of thick cut bacon. That's when the eye started twitching so bad I had to look away.
Now I know with the Super Bowl coming up next month many Super Bowl parties will feature so much unhealthy foods like Potato Skins that Mr. Bricks will be mad he can't attend them all. But I just hope after our "business meeting" and my explanation of the unhealthy aspects of eating Potato Skins that it will no longer be business as usual for Mr. Bricks' eating habits.
A Greek girl can dream can't she?

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