Sunday, December 12, 2010

Who Moved Ava's Cheese?

Let me tell you, growing up in a house with five (Greek) girls there was a lot of serious cheese moving going on as I grew up. This has nothing to do with the motivational business book called "Who Moved My Cheese?" This "cheese moving" has everything to do with having your mind-set on something or someone who has become part of your daily routine and then all of a sudden there are changes and now things don't go the way they have in the past.

I like to think I am adaptable and can go with the flow on just about anything that happens in my life. Well, at least that is what my noggin thinks the case is. But here is reality: I like having my wait, I LOVE having my routines.

I have to have my morning coffee. That is one hunk of cheese that if you mess with you're gonna get hurt - just sayin'. Another daily hunk of cheese that I don't want anyone messing with is my daily workout time. I gotta work out. It makes me feel better, so please don't move my workout cheese.

Yesterday someone started mucking with my cheese. Not my coffee cheese or my workout cheese, but my blog cheese. A few weeks ago I started doing a fun little cartoon every Saturday morning in place of my blog. There was some glitch in the software yesterday and after I had edited the entire video it refused to save it. I had to start all over again. Nice. That was 2 hours of my life I will never get back.

Typically, when the video is done I can easily upload it to my Ava Aston YouTube channel page where I have a playlist of my video blogs. Well, after I redid the video and was able to save the second version it then refused to upload it to YouTube. Grrrrr bring back my cheese. I want my cheese.

I wasn't able to update the blog correctly because I still can't upload it to YouTube yet. When I do, you will be able to see the correct version. I think I was so frustrated with my missing Blog cheese I think I inadvertently went off on a rant on my manager Mr. Bricks a little too much in the cartoon. Everyone knows I love to kid Mr. Bricks. He is actually a very smart man and I do trust him totally. He himself has a wicked sense of humor, so teasing him in my daily blog is just part of the way we enjoy our manager/client relationship.

What I hope everyone knows is that my teasing of Mr. Bricks is all in fun. In my Greek little mind, I think it is OK to poke a little more fun at something or someone in a cartoon, because after all, cartoons in nature are silly. But OK maybe I did get carried away a little in yesterdays cartoon called "Ava Aston Wants To Do Charity Work". So I decided I needed to fix what happened. Here it is, an apology from me, to Mr. Bricks. Go ahead and please print this out before I change my mind. j/k

Mr. Bricks, I apologize for going to far in making fun of you and your weight problem in yesterday's video blog. Blessings, Ava xox

See, I am going to blame the muckery on the fact that my cheese was moved. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

There is a lot of cheese moving during Christmas time. Like I had to move my entire living room around to accomodate my Christmas tree and Christmas decorations. I am happy to say I think I would make Martha Stewart proud in the way the room turned out. Here is a picture of my cute little tree.

But now, when I sit down and watch TV it feels strange because I am facing a new direction. Yes, I know it's the same TV and I've got my little Greek butt on the same couch, but it's different! Someone moved my TV watching cheese. I think I want a little whine with my cheese.




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