Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Today would be the 100th birthday of our former 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. To say he was a great man is an understatement. Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 and sadly passed away on June 5, 2004.

As President, Reagan is credited for doing many great things. Throughout his two-term presidency the United States enjoyed a prosperous economy that was free from recession and/or depression. In one of his famous campaign speeches he said, "A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his." He endeared himself to the majority of Americans because he fought to keep all of his campaign promises which included cutting government spending, balancing the budget in 3 years and reducing taxes for Americans. He successfully did all three. How refreshing would it be for a politician in today's era to work as hard as Reagan did to keep his promises to the American people.

Although President Reagan did many wonderful things, Internationally, Reagan is credited for helping bring down the Great Wall in the Soviet Union. Domestically he is credited for overhauling the US tax code which leveled the playing field by eliminating many deductions for the rich while exempting many individuals with lower incomes. This action was one of the Reagan campaign promises to the voters that allowed the US economy to flourish. Reagan was a President for the people. He was not out for his own self interests. (ok, I am tap dancing in my sneakers here around things that I can not get into because my manager Mr. Bricks doesn't want me to get political in the blog. But read between the lines.)

Monday, March 30, 1981, just 69 days into his first term as president, Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr. Reagan survived the assassination attempt, and the way he handle the shooting with his miraculous strength and sense of humor endeared him to the American people regardless of their political persuasion.

Prior to becoming President of the United States, Reagan was a well-known actor and TV personality before becoming political. While still an actor he became President of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG). Reagan's term as President of SAG was not without controversy. It was during his tenure that the topic of communism in the entertainment industry was the scandal that rocked Hollywood at the time. Later he was elected Governor of California. His popularity allowed him to win by a landslide. He successfully served two terms as Governor.

Ronald Reagan was one of a kind and not all Presidents are created equal-just sayin'.

Happy Birthday Mr. President.





  1. I am going to assume you meant the Berlin Wall. Which was in Germany. The Great Wall is in China. Still.

  2. When did they move it? (wink, wink)


